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Hello World!
My name is Conner and if you've got a moment, I created a resume for my site (Narmokk).

I always try to create a good experience for my users so I made this 'simple' resume with Impress.js
So here we go!
Welcome to*

* My main site

The Stats
You could say Narmokk has the stats of a very small site.
Back to the Main Menu ->

Now click the left or the right slide to choose between my stats (left) or the projects (right)

Now click the left or the right slide to choose between my stats (left) or the projects (right)

visualize your big thoughts

and tiny ideas

by positioning, rotating and scaling them on an infinite canvas

the only limit is your imagination

want to know more?

use the source, Luke!

one more thing...

have you noticed it's in 3D*?

* beat that, prezi ;)

Use a spacebar or arrow keys to navigate